Profound Love
What Is The Profound Love Healing Code?
Quantum Techniques Profound Love Healing Code is designed to help shift the cells of your body out of a fear state into a state of peace and love.

How Do You Get Started With Our Healing Codes?
Like the rest of our healing codes, you will first need to enter the base code into your body.
This “enters” into the body the healing alphabet we use in our codes. After doing this, you will rarely have to actually tap out a code on the body. You’ll be able to simply read the code and the body will understand how to process the healing information.
To enter the codes, touch the body location points (outlined in the resources below) while saying each abbreviation and the word it stands for (for example, “eb for EyeBrow”).
This “enters” into the body the healing alphabet we use in our codes. After doing this, you will rarely have to actually tap out a code on the body. You’ll be able to simply read the code and the body will understand how to process the healing information.
Healing Code Resources To Get You Started
This code will get you started and will save time with healing codes in the future. If you are already familiar with how to enter healing codes, you can move past this portion. If you have not already worked through these resources, we suggest that you do that before moving on to the Profound Love Healing Code.
Profound Love Code Healing Affirmations
My body is made to self- heal. By changing my belief system I choose to remove any blocking beliefs and release all my body’s healing potential.
I choose to release all fear and trauma from my lifetime or anyone else’s from every cell of my body. I choose to fill these spaces with the complete healing love of God. I choose to view the world as a wonderful place of joy, beauty and love.
I am the light, love, truth, and strength of the Creator. I so radiate the Creator’s truth that all darkness, parasites, viruses, bacteria, molds, fungus, disease and toxins pass harmlessly by me.
I choose to transform any negative energy or intentions I encounter, from any source, to the frequency of perfect divine love and forgiveness and then return it to its source.
I choose to transform any negative energies or frequencies within me to that of the Creator’s highest truth and love and then radiate this truth and love into the world.
*Feel free to change the wording in this affirmation to fit your needs.

E eb g50 sh g50 sh if e mf lf g50 sh e g50 sh eb e g50 sh if e mf lf g50 sh e g50 sh if e mf lf g50 sh eb e g50 sh if e mf lf g50 sh e g50 sh eb e g50 sh if e mf lf liv g50 sh e g50 sh if lf e mf g50 sh eb e g50 sh if lf e mf g50 sh e g50 sh eb e g50 sh if e mf lf g50 sh e g50 sh if e mf lf g50 sh eb e g50 sh if oe a c 9g un un (first standard chakra pattern two times).
Eb mf sh if eb e if e oe a c 9g first standard chakra pattern eb lf sh lf if eb e liv if e mf e oe a c 9g un g50 eb sh eb sh if e lf e oe a c 9g (first standard chakra pattern).

They’ve healed – so can you!
Dr. Stephen Daniel was able to cure my daughter of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and significantly improve Attention Deficit Disorder, so that she now needs no medication for either. These treatments have literally given her back her life!