Because sessions are done through telehealth (over the phone), our practitioners are available most hours of the day no matter where you are.
Friday – Tuesday
9:00 am to 3:30 pm PST
Wednesday – Thursday
Off Call
International Calls Available via Zoom

Jamie Daniel-Delgado graduated as a certified massage therapist in 2004 from A.S.I.S in Prescott AZ. She is an avid reader of C.S. Lewis, Ron Reynolds, and WM. Paul Young. As the oldest of Dr. Stephen Daniel’s two daughters, Jamie has spent her whole life learning about energy healing, from QT’s foundations with Dr. Roger Callahan and other impactful healing modalities. Jamie is currently Quantum Techniques’ Business Manager and can usually be found on or near her computer developing and improving the training & certification program for Quantum Techniques.
Jamie’s Path to Healing
Jamie started as a practitioner with Quantum Techniques at the age of 8 by treating her youngest cousin for a fear of dogs. At the sight of a dog a block away her cousin would be in hysterics and inconsolable. Jamie worked with her for 30 minutes and by the end of the session had her sitting next to the family’s 110lb Rottweiler. Since then, Jamie has treated a variety of clients from birds and domestic animals to humans of all ages. Jamie firmly believes that learning how to heal your body is the best gift you can give yourself and others, and is a champion of people who want to learn how to heal.