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Because sessions are done through telehealth (over the phone), our practitioners are available most hours of the day no matter where you are.

Tuesday and Thursday

10:00 am to 2:00 pm PST


1:00 pm to 5:00 pm PST


As a welcome gift to you, the first hour of your first Quantum Techniques session is 25% off the normal rate

On-going rate

$6.67 / minute


Upon request, Clay will record your phone session at no additional charge and the recording will be emailed to you.

Request a Session


Clay Ward has 45 years of experience in the health and wellness fields. His pathways of education have been varied to include: US ARMY Clinical Specialist Licensure, Medical Health & Fitness, Fitness Therapy, Cancer Wellness, and Myofascial Release Technique. He has spent the last 20 years practicing as a Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist. 

His holistic approach to healing has led him to the Quantum Technique Paradigm, believing the body always desires to heal itself. Understanding what has gone wrong, where the problem is located in the body, and knowing the body can heal, optimum balance can be maintained.

Clay’s Path to Healing

My first exposure to Quantum Techniques was through its founder Dr. Stephen Daniel several years ago. Through my Corrective Exercise Practice, I acquired a client that came to me complaining of full body pain with а history of multiple surgeries over the years. After the third visit, I realized that she had more going on in her body than just structural pain, and asked her if she would be willing to speak with Dr. Daniel to further investigate what may be going on in her body, and she agreed.

The client returned to my clinic the following week and exclaimed to me that she felt better than she had in 40 years. It was then that I realized that I needed to learn Quantum Techniques to enhance the full body healing experience. I have been a healer for the better part of 40 years and have added QT to my knowledge base to help people not only heal, but to thrive. 


  • Acute Pain
  • Chronic Structural pain
  • Post-Surgical Issues
  • Sports and Exercise Related Injuries
  • Physical Trauma
  • Infections / Toxins
  • Hormone Imbalance
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