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Heal Chronic Illness Like Lyme, Herpes and Candida


I’m Dr. Stephen Daniel, the founder of Quantum Techniques. Today, I’m going to talk about what have we found with neuroplasticity in chronic conditions of illness like Lyme’s disease, herpes, mold, candida and fungal infections. Many with these conditions have tried to change diets and have taken supplements only to find very little, if any, improvement. What could be happening, is that the brain may need to dedicate more real estate to solve the problem. It is not uncommon to be ‘running in a rut’ with your immune system as it tries to solve the problem and what’s really happening is that there are inadequate resources available to completely get over the issue.

What neuroplasticity does is open up more brain ‘real estate’ to solve problems, and I explain that much more in my intro to neuroplasticity. Particularly in the example of someone with Lyme’s disease, we might target more than one aspect of it. This basically doubles the amount of body detox in a 24-hour period. This is impressive since Lyme’s is known for its ability to hide and have hidden co-infections. When you start designating more of the brain’s real estate, or resources, the body’s ability to find and eliminate these hidden infections increases tremendously.

We’ve had phenomenal healing of Lyme’s, chronic herpes and candida using this scan. Many of our clients have had all three of these conditions and all have improved significantly. Because of the complexity of the illnesses, there may be more aspects involved in the healing so we may need to go back and do another layer of treatment with the neuroplasticity scan; it could be a liver issue along with Lyme’s disease, for example. In that type of case, we might need do subsequent treatments for that particular condition, but those treatments are very short, usually 10 minutes or less.

In my own case, I essentially live in the jungle on the north shore of Maui, and I eat a relatively clean diet. But internal mold issues are common here, even though I eat a grain-free and dairy-free diet. I did this treatment on candida three weeks ago, without making any changes to my diet or supplements intake. From our testing, in those three weeks, my fungal load was reduced by 84%. That’s an example of the body being awakened to the problem, and then being able to designate the brain resources needed to solve the problem.

If you have a chronic infection of this sort that’s not healing, this scan may be a breakthrough for you, just as it has been for many of our clients. Blessings and be well.

About The Author

Dr. Stephen P. Daniel obtained his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Rosemead Graduate School of Professional Psychology in 1981. He practiced as a psychotherapist and a psychologist for 22 years before he transitioned into bioenergetic medicine full time, helping to develop Quantum Techniques.

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