Healing OCD with Neuroplasticity (Part 2)
Hi, my name is JJ Curren. I’m a practitioner here at Quantum Techniques, the most advanced form of energy medicine in the world today.
Here at Quantum Techniques, or QT, as we refer to it, our practitioners work with people around the world almost every day to help their chronic and acute health-related issues, remotely, on the phone, from the comfort of their own home.
Today, I would like to continue with a series of videos about rapid healing of chronic issues with neuroplasticity, specifically with regards to OCD. If you haven’t watched the first video yet, I encourage you to do so.
As I stated in the earlier video, a key component to neuroplasticity is that your brain actually has to recognize there’s an issue in order for it to reroute brain functions. Most chronic OCD problems are compounded by the fact the brain does not recognize there’s a problem, and in turn, it stays in the same brain rut it’s used to.
OCD can come in the form of thoughts or actions. An obsessive thought is to think that your family members might get hurt if they don’t put their clothing on in the exact same order every morning. Compulsive habit might be to wash your hands seven times after touching something that you think might be dirty. Although you may not want to do these things, you feel powerless to stop.
Now, OCD is typically treated with medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of the two. Although some patients with OCD respond to those treatments, most patients continue to experience symptoms. The issue with these treatments is that they’re trying to address the symptoms without addressing the underlying cause.
Here at QT, we believe what the body can see, it can heal. We have some exciting techniques to help the brain see that there’s an unhealed chronic problem, and help reroute brain signals. At the core of our work is the identification of pathogens, heavy metals, and food toxins, and the ability to show those to the body and adjust diet to allow the body to be in an optimal healing state. So, we just show the body the issue, and ask the brain to reroute the signals, so it can heal itself.
In future videos, we will discuss using neuroplasticity to help other chronic issues, like Lyme’s disease, hypertension, gout, and PTSD. If you have any other topics you would like to cover, please email me at JJ@QuantumTechniques.com. To get started with QT self-testing, or to schedule a session with a practitioner, please visit www.quantumtechniques.com.
Thanks, and have a blessed day.
About The Author
JJ Curren served for 36 years in the US Coast Guard as a Naval Engineer and first responder. As an experienced first responder in the Coast Guard, JJ has a first-hand perspective on the impact of trauma on health and how to help people heal.